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Horde come to attack the king of Ironforge, Horde are sent swiftly away again with a flea in their ear.

Horde come to attack the king of Ironforge, Horde are sent swiftly away again with a flea in their ear. Yay the WorldDefense channel.

Anj becomes a heroine of the Netherwing and chooses Onyxien, partly based on colour, mainly based on name.

Anj becomes a heroine of the Netherwing and chooses Onyxien as her personal mount, partly based on colour, mainly based on name. She's skittish like that.

…It only took the two Nethermine quests to top the reputation bar up, thanks in no small part to finding four Netherdrake Eggs just sitting around in plain view of anybody, bold as brass. The Eggs have been like that consistently I’ve found, one day you can’t find one for love nor money, the next you’re practically tripping over them.

There was also a total “omgomgomg!” moment with the rep completion but I won’t put spoilers here, even though you can go to Wowhead and be spoiled inside of five seconds.

A little time out to stretch Anj’s legs in the big old world and it struck me how close she is to exalted with the Netherwing. I should think one more day of quests, not even all of them and certainly not the totally annoying ones like “The Not So Friendly Skies…“, and I should be about ready for a Netherdrake mount. Oh, I’ll still rely on the Cenarion War Hippogryph (beautiful plumage), but you know, for special occasions or when I don’t mind my whole screen being taken up by the wingspan…

Also, because I like to keep myself bang on top of all new developments, I finally remembered to pop by the Skyguard camp in Skettis and get my adorable little Nether Ray Fry. Aaw, look at the little smasher!

While I was in the mood for checking out the stuff added in the last patch, I pointed Alysha’s rear-end in the direction of Sporeggar to have a look at that herb bag recipe and wouldn’t you know it, I just knew Primal Mooncloth would be involved somewhere in the recipe. Dang, yo, it requires a revered repuation and Aly’s only honored. Looks like there’s going to be some pretty hardcore Naga killing goin’ on in the very near future.

May 2024